Wednesday, January 30, 2013

“Don’t Walk Out at Night? How ‘Bout Don’t Rape?”

“Don’t Walk Out at Night? How ‘Bout Don’t Rape?”
Have you ever noticed that when people lecture you and you are a girl that you are always told to not walk alone, to not go out after dark? Remember the buddy system! 
Ever notice that if you wear clothes that are too tight or "too revealing" that you are a slut or asking for something to happen to you?
Description:*Op-ozrBs6UKgoUiQpVTkKLw6MDWrf4gDPP3V3DdVi3d3Jq0W15Q0SqXQcMdn53Cs/norape.png?width=350“My dad is a cop and my mom is a teacher, you would think that, those being their careers, would have made me telling them that I got raped easier. But in fact it was the hardest thing that I had to do. I was always told to not be out by myself, to not trust people, to not be alone with a stranger. Little did we all know that it was going to be a friend of mine that was going to hurt me? Was going to take advantage of me not being able to say no. I confided in him that my brother in law had molested me in my sleep, was that supposed to have been my fault…”don’t fall asleep in the presence of a man, he could take that as consent to touch you”?
      How do you tell your dad, that yet again he wasn’t able to protect you, in spite of you needing to just curl up in his lap and have him tell you that you are safe? And how are you supposed to respond when he yells at you…that you should have known better?    
      Or when you tell your mom, and she tells you that you NEED to report because what if that puke does this to someone else?
      How are you supposed to respond when he tells your friends that you got what you deserved and that I was asking for it? “
      That right there is my story. Because of how society deals with rape and the victim blaming, the survivors then have to deal with hating themselves because they should have been able to stop it.
How about we break the system of victim blaming and teach guys to just not disrespect girls who are out by themselves, or dressed how they want, or are out in the dark. Don't girls deserve to be alone if they want? What if it is a beautiful starlit night, shouldn't a girl get the chance to go for a moon lit stroll by herself? I say that yes, she does get to! Break the cycle, let her walk around naked, and not get sexually assaulted!
There is never a reason for a girl to feel unsafe when she is walking around! 
Description:*EJpozaiNXMmBroJBx2qsdBZSSXm07Wq8lEC6Zy-2kbmlJ29GiIIRLEldG/insteadofteachingmennottorape.jpgTeach boys to love and respect, not the normal lecture to girls!

Friday, January 18, 2013

I am From

I am from a teacher and a protector
I am from one egg and one sperm
I am from a small town, placed in Wisconsin
I am from Italy, Poland, England, and France
I am from lovers, and haters
I am part of a pair, my twin and I
I am from meat eaters and pasta eaters
Farmers and educators
I am from Catholic families
I am from a uecker playing beer-guzzling family
I am from literature reading, educators
I am from a Republican and a Democrat
I am from Mary and Don